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by Murray Leinster
The Hate Disease
  • Fiction
  • 1963
  • Autor: Murray Leinster
Dr. Calhoun and his pet Tormal Murgatroyd work at the Interstellar Medical Service, conducting regular public health checks on vast colonial planets. When they reach Talien Three, they are met by the Parasov missile attack, a mutated human form that quickly replaces the "normals." Normal people think this is a pandemic of demonic possession, but Calhoun has his doubts. If he may not become a Para or be killed by them, he simply can understand it....
Number of pages: ~ 35 pages

by Murray Leinster
The Forgotten Planet
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Murray Leinster
The Forgotten Planet is a science fiction novel by the American writer Murray Lenster. The novel was released in 1954 by the publishing house Gnome Press with a circulation of 5,000 copies. The novel is a continuation of three stories: Crazy Planet and Red Dust, both of which first appeared in Argosy Magazine in 1920 and 1921, and Planet of Nightmares, which was published in Science Fiction Plus in 1953. The novel was created by combining three interconnected novels published previously in periodicals....
Number of pages: ~ 86 pages

by Murray Leinster
The Ambulance Made Two Trips
  • Fiction
  • 1960
  • Autor: Murray Leinster
If you need to get a thief to catch a thief, what is needed to stop the racketeer?...
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages

by Murray Leinster
The Aliens
  • Fiction
  • 1959
  • Autor: Murray Leinster
The purpose of the expedition of the Nikkola spaceship is to find a planet inhabiting the plumi - a space civilization, the traces of which earthlings are found on different planets. And so, it happened - in open space a plumi ship was found, which was going to approach the Nikkola. Just in case, earthlings produce a missile salvo on a strange ship....
Number of pages: ~ 31 pages